Thursday, September 10, 2015

Are you being called?

The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the process through which interested adults and mature teenagers are introduced to the Roman Catholic  faith and way of life. Classes are held on Wednesday evenings from October to Easter. Various ceremonial rites take place throughout this period, culminating in the sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation and First Communion at Easter Vigil. St. Charles parish invites those who are not baptized, or who are baptized in a different faith tradition and wish to inquire about becoming part of the Roman Catholic Church, to participate in this process. Catholics who have been baptized but have not completed the sacraments of Confirmation and First Communion are also invited to attend. Interested persons please contact James Bowman at 204-802-4100 or or the church office at 204-889-3248.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Keeping Christ in Christmas

Members of Father Allan Hall Council #8604
Have you noticed the new sign near the front entrance to the church?  It replaces an older version of “Keep Christ in Christmas”.  Members of St. Charles Knights of Columbus (Father Allan Hall Council #8604) agreed that the  previous sign was too weathered to repair so a new sign was required.  After reviewing several renditions of the nativity scene, they agreed to use “In The Hands of the Father” by American artist Roger Loveless.  The sign was constructed by Jean Aquin of Country Signs in Elie, Manitoba.  Thanks to Ron Chase and Abe Froese for construction of  the frame and installation.

Below is a commentary written by the artist Roger Loveless describing his inspiration for the painting.

In The Hands of the Father

During quiet times when I think of the Savior’s birth, I am truly humbled by its sacred nature and by the events that occurred both before and after.  I think of Mary holding the infant surrounded by the wise men and shepherds  that came from far away to honour and pay respect.
But when I think of Joseph, I think of a young man who exercised great faith in a difficult situation prior to the birth, I think of a man who loved Mary very much and was more concerned with her needs  than that of his own.
I chose to portray Joseph taking a turn nurturing the newborn infant while Mary was able to get some much needed rest.  The only earthly witnesses to this kindness are the animals found in the manger, who seem to sense the divine nature of his goodness.
“In the Hands of theFather” reflects the great responsibility that Joseph felt, but at the same time was able to draw strength from being in the hands of someone much greater than his own.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Remembrance Day 2014

Ron Labbe with daughter
Aaron Russell

On a clear and crisp November 11 morning, St. Charles parishioners gathered to remember those “who served our country in times of conflict and in times of Peace”.  

Ron Labbe did an outstanding job of incorporating the Remembrance Day service into the Tuesday morning daily Mass.  “In Flanders Fields”  written by Canadian poet Lt. Colonel John McCrae, was read by Aaron Russell, Ron’s daughter.

The presentation and laying of the veteran’s wreath was done by Retired Captain Bob Simmons and Retired Chief Warrant Officer Lynda Ann Smith.  The wreath representing the widows was laid by Polly Moore accompanied by Retired Master Corporal Simon Lemay.  A  poignant and evocative rendition of the Last Post  and Reveille was played by trumpeter Chad Desrosiers.

Thank you to all those who prepared and participated in the morning ceremony which gave us the opportunity to “stop and reflect on the courage and sacrifice made by those who paid the ultimate sacrifice on our behalf so many years ago”.

Polly Moore accompanied by 
Retired Master Corporal Simon Lemay

Retired Captain Bob Simmons and 
Retired Chief Warrant Officer Lynda Ann Smith

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

2014 Life Hike

The 2014 Life Hike was a huge success. The rain held off as 150 of us set out from St. Martyrs Parish in St. Vital to publicly show our support for Pro-Life issues. We managed to raise over $6000.00 for Life's Vision, the provincial pro-life educational resource centre in Manitoba. As we walked, I asked myself: Why are we pro-life? Is it because we're against abortion and euthanasia? That's part of it, obviously, but it's so much more than that. Our Lord tells us "I have come that they may have LIFE, and have it abundantly" and again, "I am the way, the truth, and the LIFE". Also consider the words of Pope Saint John Paul II: "The Gospel of life is at the heart of Jesus' message". That's why we're pro-life - because we are disciples of Jesus. He offers us life abundantly. It is our duty as Christians to proclaim the infinite dignity and worth of human life - and that's the "good news" of the Gospel. God loves us so much that He died on a cross for us. How very precious you are to God! 
Angela Bowman

"We must remember that life begins at home and we must also remember that the future of humanity passes through the family”. Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Knights of Columbus Bursary Awarded

On September 14, Knights of Columbus Father Allan Hall Council awarded a post-secondary bursary to Joseph Holtman.  Joseph was selected for his excellent academic record, dedicated volunteerism in his community and at St. Charles Parish.  The Knights of Columbus congratulates Joseph on his award.  Good luck with your Agriculture studies at the University of Manitoba!

Monday, July 14, 2014

The Grand Knight's Ball and Awards Dinner 2014

On June 7, 2014 at the “Grand Knight’s Ball”,  the Father Alan Hall Council Knights of Columbus #8604 expressed sincere gratitude to several members of St. Charles Parish and recognized their outstanding dedication and ministrations.

Berthe LaFleche has been in St. Charles parish since 1950.  Her husband Martial (Bouncer) LaFleche was  born here, lived here all his life and is resting in St. Charles cemetery.  
Berthe has volunteered at Sunday School, picnics, Fowl Suppers and various activities both at St. Charles Academy and St. Charles parish.  Responding to the receiving the award, Bertha commented,”We have a beautiful community at St. Charles and we hope to keep it that way”.

Gerry Desjardins arrived at St. Charles Parish in  1948.  Gerry has done painting as well as  maintaining and repairing the furnaces, the air exchangers, the air conditioners, kitchen appliances and light fixtures .  He worked on many construction projects: the new restrooms, the  brick garage, and an addition to the Sanctuary for a one time production of the Messiah. He continues to pour cement for sidewalks and markers in the work of maintaining and improving the St. Charles cemetery along with Ron. He has contributed to the building of the church office when it was moved from the rectory to the church and helped to rebuild the coat room, the storage room and the stage.Gerry has looked after the bar-tending duties at almost every  joyous occasion at our parish. 

Father Allan Halls Family of the Year: 
The Thibert Family
For many years the entire Thibert family has been active in the St. Charles Youth Group.  Patrick, Janelle and Celeste are qualified group leaders with the Catholic School of Evangelization.  The family is involved in the Charismatic Catholic Prayer Group and attends its many conferences and events.  Norbert, Lorraine and Janelle also serve as Ministers of Communion at St. Charles Parish.
Norbert is the financial secretary for the Knights of Columbus and does an outstanding job paying the bills and keeping the finances in good shape.  Patrick is also a member of the Knights of Columbus having the position of recorder.  He helps out regularly at the pancake breakfasts.
For many years Norbert has been on St. Charles Pastoral Council and has served as St. Charles Parish representative  on the St. Charles Catholic School Board.  Norbert is also actively involved with Baseball Manitoba as an umpire.
In addition to being a teacher, Lorraine is a musician who plays several instruments, her favourite being the drums.  Lorraine accompanies the 9:30 choir on Sunday morning and   belongs to a six piece Christian rock band called “One In Spirit”.  Her band has raised thousands of dollars for a wide variety of charitable causes.
Janelle and Celeste help with the St. Charles Parish initiative called “Children Loving Children”.   Every week the parish children drop their coins in a jar which is used to support three disadvantaged children from other parts of the world.  Janelle and Celeste pick up, sort, wrap and count the coins and return them to the counters to deposit.

Father Allan Hall's Knight of the Year: Brother Abe Froese  
(Because Abe was out of town, the award was presented to his son.)

Abe Froese is a past Grand Knight, an Altar Server and a Communion Minister.  He has been an active parishioner for many years and a valued knight.  He was involved in repairing the church bell and restructuring the support.  Abe  painted the interior of the church and painted the lines in the parking lot .  Weather a church event or Knights of Columbus function he is  one of the first ones to offer a helping hand setting up, serving or cleaning afterwards.  Being a dedicated Knight of Columbus he advanced to 4th degree and has been ICCD chairman for the past two years.

Abe is a Knight who is willing to take on any task for the betterment of all. 

Saturday, May 17, 2014

2014 Winnipeg March for Life

We were blessed with a perfect day for the 2014 Winnipeg March for Life. Twelve parishioners from St. Charles joined over 800 others to publicly show their support for life, love and compassion. As we were walking along, I saw a man on the sidewalk staring at us. I was apprehensive: perhaps he didn't agree with our message - would he confront us? To my surprise and delight, he joined us.  Sometimes we can get discouraged. We wonder: are we having any effect? Are we changing hearts and minds? After seeing that man spontaneously join in our march, I can say emphatically: Yes! We are drawing people into our message of life and love. And that's why we march. We march for those who have no voice. For the unborn, for the elderly, for the sick, for women hurting from the guilt of abortion.  We march to be salt and light to a world that too often sees death as the answer to life's difficulties. Yes, it's easier to have an abortion than to raise a baby on your own. Yes, it's easier to commit suicide than to face a long and painful illness. Love costs. It requires effort. It is not always the "easy choice". But it is the choice we must make if we are to build a civilization of love. - James Bowman