Monday, May 14, 2012

Confirmation Class Car Rally

This year St. Charles Parish is blessed with 9 candidates in the Confirmation program. To be eligible for the Confirmation program, candidates must be in Grade 8 or higher and have completed grade 7 Religious Education.

The Confirmation program includes 8 classes, which began the end of January. Classes were approximately one hour each and were held in the church library on Sunday evenings. The candidates covered topics such as the sacraments of initiation, the basic beliefs of the Catholic Church and the Holy Spirit. The coordinator for the Confirmation program was Colette Chelack who was assisted by Yolande Franzmann. Four of the parents helped out by volunteering to teach two classes each.

The candidates were required to do 25 hours of community service along with attending the classes.

At the conclusion of the course, the candidates were required to attend an all-day retreat at St. Charles Church. Many thanks to Janelle and Celeste Thibert for leading the retreat activities.

On Saturday, after the candidates attended a Confirmation rehearsal, they had a pizza party and a car rally. The car rally lasted about 2 hours and was within a four mile radius of the church. The 31 challenges included taking pictures, collecting items and finding information. The candidates had a great time!

I noted that neither Colette nor Yolande had children in the Confirmation class, so I ask them why they wanted to be involved. Yolande said, “This is part of my stewardship - we are a part of the church and this is where I help out”. She adds,”I had these kids back in grade 4 and I wanted to see how they were doing”. Colette mentioned that she really enjoyed working with young people. “It is wonderful to see them exploring and growing in their faith”.

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